
Friday 24 May 2013

Leadership Training Camp at My Gopeng Resort, Perak

Bao is on a 5-day school "Leadership Training Camp" program. Together with some 180++students, they will be camping out at Gopeng Resort, Perak. The main purpose of the traning is to expose the students to new challenges that will bring them out from their comfort zone. With this, hopefully they can attain new level of confidence and characters through the experience.

After I went through the itenearary, I have been worried sick. The activities includes Caving, White Water Rafting, Jungle Night Walk,  Summit Climb, Waterfall Abseiling and Wilderness Survival !! These are so "adult"! How the hell is she going to perform all these? What she had experienced is only caving with the father. I keep telling myself that this is beneficially for her, to calm myself! Last night packing seeing mother and daughter arguing and shouting, because the mother was so nervous with worries.....

    Remember to apply insect repellent and sun block every 3 hours!
    Watch out for leeches! If u find any leech on yr body, SCREAM for teacher!!
    Do not go to the toilet alone!
    Make sure u hv all essential items in yr backpack when u go out in the morning!
    Pls be very careful when u r having water activities!!!
    If u really can't do certain task, pls let the teacher know!
    The medication is in the front pocket of yr backpack, the cap and the raincoat are in the second
    The list go on.....

And finally, before waving goodbyes, again and again, "be extremely careful....take good care....important, text me whenever u can!! Keep me update..."

So now I am at home, 8.35am, after sending her to the school.

I have to spend my next 5 days without her in the house. Worrying....sense of loss.....remembering the Singapore trip she went in her primary school graduation trip. Despite the reminders to send messages, i bet she didn't even remember the mother's name the moment she stepped into the bus!

She pm at 8.45am saying that she's in the bus. "Who is in yr group? Who is sitting next to you? Who is the teacher in charged? Eat yr me when u arrive." Mothers....

27/5/2013 :

After failing to reach her by handphone for 2 days, I called Teacher Sue in the school office. Was told that the reception was extremely poor there. She called back shortly after I spoke to her. She said she managed to speak to Teacher May Peng at the camp and that she said Bao was fine and would inform Bao to call. I thanked her and was instantly relieved. Continue counting the days....

28/5/2013 :

No news from Bao at all. At the same time, Bao was having my Galaxy II, I was using her Note II. The arrangement was made based on the fact that Note II is much more expensive. After I switched it off, I couldn't switch it on bcos I did not have the pin number, cursing... At night, I was able to relax thinking the she would be home the next day.

29/5/2013 :

Finally, managed to reach Bao in the morning. The line was bad but was very happy when she said she enjoyed the activities very much. She ended the call by saying : "Can't wait to tell you about the funs." Was smiling when I drove home after work. She was home at about 7pm looking tanned and slim. Immediately threw her tons of questions starting with the condition of the place which she said was not too bad followed by:

"Wat's your favourite?"
"White water rafting, so much of fun."
"Hated summit climb. It was so steep."
"Caving was also nice."
"Waterfall abseiling was tough. The rope was so rough. My hands hurt."
"Activities till 11pm everyday. Our legs were sore and numb."

"wat time did u take yr bath everyday?"
"12 midnight!"
"wah!!Tat's was absurb!!"
"Water was chilling! I screamed everytime!"

....and was most dreadful when she said she was bitten by leeches. ("No!!" I screamed in my heart!) 
 "I felt something on my leg, I looked and saw 2 of them."
 "You screamed?"
 "No, I told someone, then the guide came with vineger, and the 2 fellows curled up    and dropped to the ground."
"You didn't scream?"
"No. I am OK with leeches." (HUH!! R U serious???)

I underestimated her,  again!!

Thursday 23 May 2013

哭泣的金馬倫高原Crying Cameron Highlands

那天在星报看到 The never-ending rape of the Camerons,还有光禿禿的山头,心里很是难过,想对那些人说:无良的人啊!求求你们放过它吧!!。

唯利是图,  贪得无厌的商家,请你们立刻停止这无耻的购当,积点福吧!



金馬倫高原是我国内旅游的首选,  个人认为是可以松懈身心的好去处。


还有朴素的小镇,清新的空气,凉爽的气候,  很是向往。新鲜的蔬菜、美丽的花朵,初次遇见的草莓,又圆又大的蕃茄,奇形怪状的仙人掌,这些,我都怀念!


可是在最近的那次到访,2009年,面对的是各项的发展,加上大批的人潮,无可避免,变成了名附其实的旅游胜地,失去了往日的魅力!  心里感触良多,很是感慨!! 现在还看到被无良的人们糟蹋,心里更是难过!大自然给与于我们的,不懂得珍惜也就算了,现在还如此的破坏它,让人心痛!

记得在好几年前的Kuala Selangor萤火虫,也令我觉得惋惜!

Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Pewter snake with engraving is my present this year.
She mentioned in her note to me that she knows she is not the perfect daughter whom I wish to have and may even not a good daughter at all.
She also said that she knows that to have a daughter like her is hard and painful.
She apologised for the mistakes and wrongdoings she made and that she thinks that she failed me a lot of times.
She further mentioned that there were good times and bad times during the past years and that we should treasure the good and forget the bad.
Finally, she said that she is grateful to have a mother who is funny, special, beautiful..... and of course it ended with "Thank you for everything you have done and I love you, mummy!".
Okay, my say....
Yes, she may not be the daughter whom I like to have, but she is so very sweet in her own way and how she always makes me smile and laugh.
Yes, she may not be as smart as who I wish she is, but she is trying hard and sometimes it breaks my heart to see her working that way.
Yes, we should FORGIVE and FORGET the bad times we had before.
The good times we have had and still having, we shall cherish every moment.
Finally, I wish to tell her, to have her is the most WONDERFUL thing that ever happened to me in my life. I may be a lousy mother but my love to her is without boundary. 
I too, would like to thank her for who she is and am truly sorry for all the misunderstandings and abusive and senseless words which I ever used on her!! I didn't really mean it!

Thursday 9 May 2013



故事一惯的“亦舒”,没什么惊喜!一惯的清丽可人、能干聪敏的女孩, 兜兜转转的爱情故事。





Sunday 5 May 2013

Doomsday Conspiracy





对如此无耻的手段,  无地自容!天理何在??